Mortgage protection is important. I mean – this is your home we’re talking about.
Prepare For The Unexpected
If something suddenly happened to you or your spouse in the next year, how important would it be for you or them and kids to stay in the house and schools? On a scale of 1-10. If your kids lost a parent, how important would that stability be to you?
Most people think about life insurance in very basic terms. $100,000 seems like a lot of money! Well, have you ever truly stopped and done the math? If I’m honest, before the age of 43, I didn’t either before I was a broker in the field. My mama never talked to me about this. There’s no college course about this. Home economics class skipped this chapter.
Protect Your Biggest Investment With Mortgage Protection
Let me tell you what I’ve learned about one aspect of insurance that I’ve grown to be passionate about in a short amount of time—mortgage protection. When you have a mortgage, own a home, typically, it’s a family’s biggest investment and expense. Being your biggest investment, it’s important to know that home would be protected if something happened to you or your spouse.
We cover our cars, our recreational vehicles, expensive jewelry… even our lives, so what about our home and mortgage? You worked HARD to get that home; sacrificed to make it happen, and love your home!
When you have a mortgage, own a home, typically it’s a family’s biggest investment and expense.
– SN Agency
What Kind of Coverage Is Needed?
Did you know that if something happened to you or your spouse, the bank doesn’t need the entire mortgage immediately? They just want the next payment.
This is an important concept to understand regarding mortgage protection. Sometimes my clients are young and healthy enough to get them a policy that would pay off their mortgage, sometimes we can get them half of their mortgage covered, and sometimes we focus on an equity protection plan. This means that depending on their budget and health, we will find them a policy covering a year, 18 months, or maybe 5 years. Mortgage protection means peace of mind protection.
Make Life Easier For Them
Last question. If something happened to you or your spouse, suddenly, in the next year, AND you could pay off your mortgage with a policy you put in place last year, how much easier would the difficult transition be for you (or your spouse) and your kids? Let’s talk about protecting that mortgage.
Mortgage Protection. CLICK HERE for a free quote from SN Agency!